Friday, June 14, 2013

How We Met

*Hilton Head Island, SC  ~ July 2005*
(I think this is one of the first pictures we took together)

Over the years, I have been asked several times how Matt and I met.  For the sake of documenting our life on this blog, I figured I should share our story.  It is indeed quite an interesting story...

We both grew up in small, rural towns in western North Carolina.  Our towns are separated by a county line and a mountain (my side of that mountain will always remain the better side.) Neither of us knew the other existed, until an unexpected evening in 2004.

Matt and I met through a note that was left on his truck with my phone number left on it.  (I am aware that pen and paper is considered old-school, and to be quite frank, I like it that way.)  In my college days, leaving notes on vehicles was something that my college girlfriends and I would to random vehicles.  It was simple, harm-less fun.

This particular note was left on a blue truck outside of a local BBQ place in my hometown sometime mid-August.  The truck had both NC State stickers and a UGA tag on the front bumper.  It was the truck's collegiate paraphernalia that sparked the idea to leave a note.  Just days prior, I had removed the NC State tag on my car and replaced it with a UGA tag that was almost identical to the tag on the blue truck.  The note read "I'm a NC State and UGA fan too!" 
I can't recall which friend dared me to leave my number, but I did.  To be honest, all I could think about was the fact that I probably knew the owner of the truck OR much worse in every way possible that I would be related to the owner.  *gasp!* I’m related to a lot of people in my hometown so, in my opinion, it was a valid concern. 

Later that evening after my girlfriends left, I went to visit my Mamaw and Papaw.  As I was leaving their house, I realized I had a missed call and voicemail from a number that I did not recognize.  The voicemail simply stated "This is the NC State and UGA fan."


Ummm...I was mortified! I could not believe that this total stranger actually called me.  Not that I wanted them too, it was strictly a dare!  Once the shock wore off, I mustered up enough courage to send this stranger a text.  No way I was going to call him, that's too scary!  We began to text and soon learned that we, in fact, did not know each other nor were we related.  *sigh* We actually learned that we had several mutual friends.  Before either of us knew what had hit us, the random text messages turned to daily text messages, to a random phone call, to a daily phone call, to multiple daily phone calls, etc.  This continued from August 2004 until January 9, 2005 when we met for our first date to watch Meet the Fockers
This was a special date because not only was it our first date, it was the first time we saw each other face-to-face.  I was smitten.   Matt was smitten as well but he will never admit it.

As the old saying goes, the rest is history.  There you have it folks, how we met in a nutshell.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I have heard it before, maybe a few times, but it still makes me say "awwww" each time. Love your story!

  2. Aw that is so fun! Seriously maybe the best "how we met" story I've heard. Maybe I will copy your idea. :) (Ours is not as awesome as yours though!)

  3. That's an adorable story. Seriously.


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