Sunday, February 27, 2011

Schmaltzy Sunday

I am interrupting my own Schmaltzy Sunday schedule because I've had a heavy heart today. 

Christmas 2008
My Dearest, Mamaw, Papaw and Yours Truly

First of all, I am thankful that the Lord has saved my soul and that He sent His Son to die on the cross so that I could have eternal life. This affords me comfort in knowing that I will see my loved ones again in Glory.

I spent my afternoon at Papaw and Mamaw's house today.  As you may recall from last week's post, my Papaw isn't in the best of health right now.   As I was at their house today, I was forcing my brain to act as a sponge and really let the conversation soak into my mind.  I want to remember this time.  I want to look back and reflect on it. 

Although Papaw didn't know who I was or that I was even at the house to visit, I still had an enjoyable time with Mamaw.  Last week while visiting, there were several family members and friends who stopped by to visit.  However today, it was just Mamaw and me.  I loved it, definitely a moment I will cherish.  We sat at her kitchen table drinking coffee and talking about flowers, gardening, being girly (I'm more the girly one than she is, she's perfectly simple) and how a marriage should be 50/50 in effort and how you should always give and take. 

Earlier in my visit, Mamaw had made mention that even though Papaw was in the next room sleeping, she felt as if she was living alone.  She actually stated that she felt that "...The Good Lord is preparing me for what is to come."  This is something about that has stuck with me all day.  It keeps repeating in my mind, my heart breaks for her. 

I can't help but wonder what she will do after Papaw has taken his first breath in the presence of His Lord and leaves her behind?  I know that she will be OK.  She has a huge family and a church family all of whom will be by her side.  She has her quilting and gardening hobbies to keep her busy as well.  But its the time after everyone else has gone home and she's caught up on her quilting and gardening....when she's sitting at home alone listening to the radio with only her thoughts to keep her company that breaks my heart.  

There isn't a thing in this world that I would give for the time I spent today with Mamaw and Papaw.  I want to ask again that everyone please keep my Papaw in your prayers.  He is not doing well at all, he has lived a long and full life, but it is heartbreaking to see him slipping away so quickly.  In addition to Papaw, please keep Mamaw in your prayers too.  She's been the primary caregiver and is to the point where outside assistance is necessary to aid with Papaw.  She's slowly watching her husband of 64.8 years slipping away from her.  Pray for peace, for comfort, for understanding. 

1 comment:

  1. My Grandma went thru this too. She's is so strong to be making it right now. I know she misses my Grandpa so much. But she is surrounding herself with family and her hobbies like your Grandma will. Doesn't make life easy, but I'm glad that they have the Lord. I will be praying for your family. It is hard. :( I understand the heavy heart.


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